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Online Defensive Driving – Yelp Promotion


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Fun and easy online defensive driving course that lets
you work when and from wherever you want.

Get your speeding ticket dismissed and have fun.

Save money with the Discount Code YELP

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Texas Star For Get Your Official Texas Driving Record


Comedy Guys Online Defensive Driving Course


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Flexible and Easy to Use
Log in and out whenever you want, as many times as you want. There are no apps or plugins to install.


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State-approved for Texas drivers
Our online course is licensed by TDLR, so our certificates meet court requirements for getting speeding tickets dimissed.


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Valid for Auto Insurance Discounts
We always send two copies of your certificate, one for the court and one for your insurance company. 


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Works on Mobile Devices
Our online course was the first to be created to work on iPhones, iPads, and Android phones and tablets.


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No-Reading Option
Every text page of our course has an audio file. Click the button and our course will read itself to you.


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Free Email Certificate
We email certificates to you Monday through Friday. No more waiting or paying for overnight mail. 


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Money-back Guarantee
If you cancel the course anytime before we issue your certificate of completion, you can get a full refund.


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24/7 Tech Support
If you have any problems, our technical support line is answered round-the-clock. Just give us a call.




Dismiss your ticket,
lower your insurance costs,
and have some fun at the same time.

With our course available on mobile devices and with the ability to log in and out as often as you want, the Comedy Guys online defensive driving course is convenient. You can easily get your certificate, lower your insurance costs, and make that ticket go away.

Got some free time but no computer? Login and take our driving safety course on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device! ComedyGuys.com was one of the first defensive driving course made for your iPhone. It is all Internet-based with nothing to download or install. Because it doesn’t require Flash like other courses, you can login anywhere your iPhone, iPad, or Android can get to the Internet.


Our defensive driving online course is now as mobile as you are!

Our Texas state-approved course is all original content, using text, videos, and graphics to cover the state-approved curriculum for ticket dismissal.

Going at your own speed, you’ll work your way through the ten chapters surprisingly quickly.

Sprinkled throughout our online defensive driving course are review questions, all intended to help you to prepare for the 25 multiple-choice test at the end. But don’t let the word “test” intimidate you. You’ll get three tries, and we’re always a phone call away to help you succeed.